Är protonmail säkert? Sparar de IP nummer?

Det har skrivits en del av protonmail men aldrig riktigt diskuterats här på BM. Många shoppar använder sig av Protonmail och litar blint på att det skulle vara säkert. Men är det verkligen det?

Saxat från countermails (!) hemsida:

We feel a bit sorry for the people who paid for their Protonmail accounts IF they thought that Protonmail.com could not monitor their own users IP-addresses, which they apparently can do, read for yourself:

There are also claims that may indicate that something could be wrong with this provider.
We think it’s important that for example whistleblowers should at least be aware of these claims*:

*Note: We have nothing to do with the domain https://privacy-watchdog.io We received an email that informed us about this info, and that domain. So you have to make your own opinion/investigation about these claims. We could verify that some claims are true, but others claims are harder to verify.

Another coincidence is the fact that some companies in Switzerland (.CH) have a long time relationship with CIA. It started in 1970 with Crypto AG: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crypto_AG

Earlier we used to recommend Protonmail for users who could not afford to pay for an email, but nowadays we can not recommend ProtonMail until they have responded to the questions and allogations made on Privacy-Watchdog.io. We have informed Protonmail that they should answer/explain these allogations, so we will see what happens…

Källa: https://support.countermail.com/kb/faq.php?id=258


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